Cēsis – Latvian Capital of Culture 2025!

This will be collection of significant national and international events throughout
the year with the motto – “Culture in minds, castles, and yards.”


By keeping the publicly stated promise to implement the cultural program prepared for the European Capital of Culture 2027, the people of Cēsis and its parishes will carry out an extensive cultural program and will shine as the Latvian Capital of Culture in 2025.

Cēsis Star Path

The stars of Cēsis are its people!

It is important to look, to see, and to notice the thousands of visible and invisible,
misunderstood, and unheard stars that shape Cēsis today. These stars are every resident of Cēsis.
Each star here is unique. They shine, illuminate, and form the community we talk about! There are big stars and very small ones.
We are a true galaxy, a real Star Path!


a place where several hundred Latvian and international cultural events will be held in 2025.

Throughout the year, the events will be based on five thematic pillars, addressing both local and international issues and challenges:

democracy, education, environment and climate change, renewal, and the excellence of the Cēsis region.

Why does Cēsis
need this?

Cēsis is not only one of the oldest but also one of the most traditionally Latvian cities


Rich in picturesque natural landscapes and historical landmarks, it embodies an intriguing spirit of antiquity and modern self-confidence. Both Cēsis and the Cēsis region are among the biggest attractions for travelers in Vidzeme. Throughout the year, people visit Cēsis who appreciate history and cultural heritage.

Cēsis – it’s a celebration


The Cēsis Art Festival’s contemporary art exhibitions, medieval battles during the Medieval Festival, and summer evening concerts at the Castle Park stage. Cēsis, one of Latvia’s most beautiful small towns, entices visitors in summer with the pristine nature of the Gauja Valley, a medieval atmosphere, and modern art. In winter, it invites guests to the largest skiing center in the Baltics, renowned for its diverse trails and longest runs in the region.


Since the late 19th century, Cēsis has been known as a center for art, culture, and recreation.


Currently, Cēsis remains a significant cultural and artistic center both regionally and nationally. The cultural landscape of Cēsis is influenced by its rich cultural heritage, which includes the medieval Cēsis Castle and the preserved street network and architecture of the Old Town.



You are at the heart of our team!
You, who wants to get involved,
give advice,
contribute to the journey of Cēsis’ stars.


Culture in
minds, castles,

Cēsis – Latvian Capital of
Culture in 2025


Sestdien, 1.jūnijā, ar krāšņu un krāsainu izklaides un kultūras programmu Līgatne aicina svinēt pilsētas svētkus.

Sportisks rīts modinās līgatniešus spirgtā skrējienā, tam sekos Līgatnes bērnu koncerts būs baudāms bagātīgs tirdziņa piedāvājums.
Dienu papildinās Līgatnes muzikālā teātra pirmā pirmizrāde Līgatnes Kultūras namā. Vakarpusē estrādi pieskandinās Līgatnes amatierkolektīvu koncerts, un svētku kulminācijā baudīsim grupas “Dziļi violets” uzstāšanos, ko iesildīs jauniešu grupa “Puķu podi”.

Lai padarītu Cēsis draudzīgākas gājējiem, riteņbraucējiem un tirgotājiem, ar prieku ziņojam – gada siltākajās nedēļas nogalēs Rīgas iela tiks atvērta kā gājēju iela. 13 nedēļas nogales cēsniekiem un pilsētas viesiem būs iespēja baudīt dažādas kultūras norises

01.06.- 31.08.2024.

“Papīrfabrikas Festivāls ” ir harmoniska dzīvesstila festivāls, kas šī gada 10.augustā no plkst.11.00 līdz 21.30 notiks Līgatnes papīrfabrikas plašajā pagalmā. Ieeja festivālā bez maksas.

Pasākuma programmā: papīrfabrikas apskate, radošās mākslas un amatniecības darbnīcas, plašs mājražotāju produkcijas tirgus un kafejnīcas, koncerti, sarunu un diskusiju skatuve, mākslas plenēri, izstādes un instalācijas, garā galda svinības ar restorānu “Pavāru Māja”, izglābto grāmatu bibliotēka, kustību prakses un citas harmoniskas aktivitātes.

Festivāls aicina no mūsdienu straujā ritma pāriet uz rāmāku, nesteidzīgāku un apzinātāku būšanu. Iedvesmoties harmoniskām attiecībām pašiem ar sevi, apkārtējiem un dabu, apgūt jaunas prasmes un atklāt talantus, satikt līdzīgi domājošos un pašiem sevi.

Vairāk informācijas: papirfabrika.lv/kulturtelpa 

What to see
and what to do in Cēsis?


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us and be part of the Cēsis Star Path adventure!

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