On Tuesday, February 25, the forum “Culture and Climate: Dialogue on the Future and Quality of Life” will take place at the Cēsis Exhibition Hall. As the cultural capital of Latvia, Cēsis will highlight how the city’s cultural values can be integrated with contemporary global climate and sustainability challenges, ensuring well-being for its residents, administrators, and visitors alike.
Registration for the forum is open until February 21 – HERE.
Participation is free of charge, but the number of seats is limited.
The event will foster an understanding of the significance of Latvia’s cultural heritage in the global climate context, creating an interdisciplinary dialogue on the impact of climate change on cultural heritage and the quality of life in society.
The forum will be moderated by cultural journalist Eva Johansone, with experts from various fields sharing their knowledge and experiences.
The full forum program is available HERE.
Forum Opening – 11:00 AM
Part 1: “Cultural Heritage in Climate Change”
- 11:10 AM – Meteorologist Toms Bricis will discuss climate change in Latvia over the past century, addressing the associated risks and opportunities, including benefits for the cultural sector.
- 11:30 AM – Ināra Bula, head of Cēsis Museum, will share insights on sustainable solutions through circular economy and innovation using the example of Cēsis New Castle.
- 11:50 AM – Kārlis Grīnbergs, energy auditor at SIA “Energi,” will explore key challenges and practical examples of ensuring energy efficiency while preserving cultural heritage.
- 12:10 PM – Architect Agnese Lāce, project manager at SIA “Rīgas nami,” will provide an overview of the conservation of Riga’s historical heritage, spanning from the 13th to the 20th century.
- 12:30 PM – Anda Kursiša, head of the “New European Bauhaus” contact point in Latvia, will discuss the principles of the initiative in the development of public infrastructure and the importance of community engagement.
Part 2: “Cultural Heritage as a Driver of the Future”
- 2:00 PM – Jānis Tolpežņikovs, chairman of the association “Cēsis Heritage,” will share experiences on the restoration of historic buildings and their role in the city’s community development.
- 2:30 PM – Heritage conservation expert Pēteris Blūms will present approaches to preserving and revitalizing buildings of different scales and ages.
- 3:00 PM – Jana Jākobsone, head of the Construction Board of Kuldīga Municipality and manager of Kuldīga’s Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, will discuss how circular economy principles contribute to sustainable development and efficient resource use in heritage preservation.
Panel Discussion: “Well-being and Revitalization of Cultural Heritage”
- 3:45 PM – A discussion featuring Jana Jākobsone (Kuldīga Municipality), Jānis Palkavnieks (“Draugiem Group”), Jānis Tolpežņikovs (“Cēsis Heritage”), and Inese Suija-Markova (Deputy Chair of Cēsis Municipality Council). The panelists will explore the role of cultural heritage in urban development and well-being.
Forum Conclusion – 5:00 PM
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